Clinic & Patient Info

Hours & Appointments
8am – 5pm  |  Monday – Friday

Phones are not
answered between
12pm – 1pm

NO After Hours Assistance

We do not have after hours services.

If you require urgent medical assistance, please go immediately to your nearest hospital’s Emergency Department.

If you require non-urgent medical advice outside of normal business hours, you may contact Health Connect Ontario by dialing : 811
(TTY: TTY: 1-866-250-3379)

If you wish to wait, you can contact our office when we re-open at 8:00am to inquire about the next available appointment (office: 519-284-3450).
You may also use Online Booking.

Prescription Renewals

We request that medication renewals be managed during your regular appointment with your family doctor whenever possible.  Please bring all your medications to every visit.

For medication refills without an appointment, please contact your pharmacy directly.

Please allow 5 business days for the processing of pharmacy refill requests.  

Renewal of a narcotic requires an appointment with your prescribing Doctor.

Blood Work

If you have been asked to complete blood work, you can visit your nearest community laboratory.
Please arrive with your requistion in hand or ensure that our office has sent the requisition to your preferred laboratory.

In St. Marys, there is a  Life Labs  located in the same building as Happy Valley Family Health Team. LifeLabs are on the 2nd floor (last door on the left). For Direction to our building Click Here.

This service is available by walk-in Monday through Friday between the hours of 8:00am and 12:00pm. Please refer directly to LifeLabs for any notice of closure of variation from these hours.


Uninsured Services Costs

OHIP does not cover all services provided by a physician or nurse practitioner.  Please see fees listed below.  For all forms, please read and sign the authorization prior to submitting them to your physician.  Most forms require payment upfront.

Massage, Chiropractic & Orthotic notes$25.00
Sick Notes$25.00
Drivers Medical$150.00
School Medical (form only)$32.50
Insurance Medical (form only)$175.00
Employment Medical$100.00
Disability Tax Credit (form only)$85.00
Attending Physician Statement (form only)$100.00
Functional Abilities Form-work restrictions (not covered by WSIB)$60.00
Pregnancy Test (patient request)$10.00
Travel Vaccine Administration (by nurses)$16.00
Cortisone Shot (from clinic supply)$20.00
Shingles Vaccination:  Shingrix$342.00
Pneumococcal Vaccination: Prevnar 20$156.00
Skin Treatment Clinic$40.00
Request for transfer of medical records
(1st 20 pages, 0.25 cents per page thereafter)
Missed appointments
(without 24 hour cancellation notice)
15 min appointments$30.00
30 min appointments$50.00
Health Cards

It is the patient’s responsibility to have a valid health card.  Please bring your health card to every visit.  To renew your health card, please visit a Service Ontario Centre in person or Online.

If you do not have a valid health card, there is a charge for appointments at Happy Valley Family Health Team.

Patient Rights & Responsibilities

Patient Rights

As a patient of The Happy Valley Family Health Team, you have the right to:

  • Know the names of the people providing you with care.
  • Receive care that is respectful, non-discriminatory, considerate and timely.
  • Ask questions if you do not understand any information given to you.
  • Be an active participant in your care and make choices about your treatment including refusing treatment and be informed of the health risks of your decision.
  • Complete, up-to-date information about your diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis in terms you can understand in order to participate in decisions regarding your care.  This includes being told about any known risks and alternatives, if any.
  • Be told if something unexpected and significant happens in your care and have any resulting changes to your care discussed with you.
  • Make choices about how your information is collected, used and disclosed by us.
  • Expect that all communications and records pertaining to your care be available only to those directly concerned with your care.
  • Access your health record.
  • Expect that your personal health information will be treated in a confidential manner by all FHT staff with whom you are involved.
  • Express your concerns about the Happy Valley Family Health Team or its staff and receive a response.
  • Receive complete information about any research project in which you are invited to participate, with an option to refuse to participate without it affecting your care.
  • Authorizing someone, other than you, to communicate with our staff about your personal health information. You can download the ‘Authorization To Disclose Form’ below.

Patient Responsibility

As a patient of the Happy Valley Family Health Team, we ask that you:

  • Tell us about any concerns you have about the safety and/or quality of your care.
  • Treat our Family Health Team staff, physicians, other patients and visitors with consideration and respect.
  • Arrive at appointments and/or classes/workshops/groups promptly or, if they must be cancelled or postponed, we ask that you notify us as soon as possible (at least 24 hours in advance).
  • Be open and honest with us about your health history and health care needs (including your past and current illness, allergies, medications and dosages, and family health history).
  • Let us know about any changes in your contact information.
  • Take and active role in your own care.  You can do this by:
    • Being proactive in keeping yourself healthy.
    • Using the advice and information from your health care providers.
    • Asking questions to clarify information.
    • Telling us what is important to you.

Zero Tolerance Policy

We understand that navigating health challenges and healthcare systems can be very stressful.

However, our staff come to work to care for others, not to become victims of violence, threatening behavior, physical, verbal abuse or discrimination.

We operate a ZERO TOLERANCE policy towards abuse of clinic staff.

Anyone attending the clinic who abuses physician(s), staff, Allied Health Professionals or patients, be it verbally, physically or in any threatening manner whatsoever, will risk removal from the practice list.

In extreme cases, we reserve the right to contact the police to remove offenders from the practice premises.

If you feel you have been treated inappropriately please contact your physician or Kimberly Lang, Executive Director.


The Happy Valley Family Health Team welcomes and encourages patients living with disabilities to use our services.  We strive to provide access to programs and services for patients with disabilities in a way that respects their rights to dignity, independence and integration.

Our office is wheelchair accessible.  There is a wheelchair located in the front foyer for patients to use while at the office.

The Happy Valley Family Health Team will consider the individual needs of people with disabilities in delivering service by:


We will communicate with people with disabilities in ways that take into account their disability.

Assistive Devices

We provide an on-site wheelchair and will make reasonable efforts to permit the use of other assistive devices that enable patients with disabilities to access our services.

Support Persons

We welcome accompanying support people for those patients who need assistance with communication, mobility, personal care or medical needs.

Service Animals

We welcome service animals that are needed to assist patients with disabilities.

Employee Training

Happy Valley Family Health Team provides staff with:

  • Accessibility standard training.
  • Happy Valley Family Health Team policies and procedures related to the Customer Service Standard.
  • How to properly interact and communicate with people with various disabilities
Notice of temporary disruption of services

In the event of a planned or unexpected disruption in services, which will affect patients with disabilities, The Happy Valley Family Health Team will notify its patients promptly. This notice will be clearly posted and will include information about the reason for the disruption, its anticipated length of time and a description of available alternatives.

Feedback Process & Form

Do you have feedback that you would like us to know about?

The Happy Valley Family Health Team strives to provide the highest quality of healthcare in a safe and supportive environment. If you have a concern about quality of care including program information, we encourage you or your caregiver to first discuss your concern with the appropriate member(s) of your healthcare team. Your Physician or the nurses, social workers and other healthcare professionals who have been involved in your care and are most familiar with your particular situation. Usually, they will be able to quickly resolve any issue you may have. If a member of your healthcare team is unable to satisfy your concerns, or if you are not satisfied with their response, please file a complaint with the Executive Director. All such complaints will be thoroughly investigated.

The process:

Initially you should speak with the appropriate members of your healthcare team about your concern as soon as reasonably possible. If you are unable to resolve the problem in this way, please take the following steps:

  1. Complete the online form below.
    If you prefer to download and print the form please Click Here.
    Paper forms may be mailed to:
    Kimberly Lang, Executive Director
    268 Maiden Lane PO Box 1120
    St.Marys, ON, N4X 1B7
  1. Once received, the completed form will be reviewed by the Executive Director.
  2. All concerns will be thoroughly investigated.
  3. In order to address concerns, the Executive Director may review the form with the appropriate health care team member(s) and ask him/her to provide input.
Safeguarding your privacy

Because all medical information is confidential, consent will be obtained from complainants if patient-specific medical information is required to address the concern. When using the online form below, your submission is sent directly to our Executive Director and the information that you enter will not be stored on this website.

What are the possible outcomes of a Feedback Patient Form?

Once all the information has been reviewed, the Happy Valley Family Health Team may decide to do one of the following:

  1. Engage in further discussions with you and the most appropriate health care professional involved in your care to resolve the complaint to all parties’ satisfaction.
  2. Take no further action if care provided was appropriate.
  3. Refer concerns to the Happy Valley Family Health Team’s Lead Physician for further review.


Safeguarding your privacy


We are located in the ‘Tradition Mutual Centre for Wellness’ at the north side of the ‘St Marys Memorial Hospital’ – NOT the emergency department side. 

1st Floor: Our Doctor’s offices

2nd Floor: Our Allied Health Professionals

268 Maiden Lane, St Marys, Ontario N4X 1B7

Looking for a Doctor?

Health Care Connect helps Ontarians who are without a family health care provider (family doctor or nurse practitioner) find one in their community.
If you require non-urgent medical advice outside of normal business hours, you may contact Telehealth Advisory Services at: